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Our Belief

Image by Mourad Saadi


The Authority of the Bible

We believe:

  • In the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in their original writing as the supreme and

        final authority for faith and life.

  • That these Scriptures are the inspired, the inerrant and the infallible Word of God.



We believe in the one and only true living God, eternally existing in three equal Persons (The Trinity):

  • God the Father,

  • God the Son,

  • God the Holy Spirit.


God the Father

We believe in God the Father, the first Person of the Trinity, who presides over everything.

Image by Mourad Saadi

The Person of Jesus Christ

We believe that:

  • Jesus Christ is God the Son.

  • Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Trinity and who has existed eternally.

  • Jesus Christ, who through the miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit, took on human flesh and born of a virgin, is Fully God, Fully Man and without sin.

  • Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and man.



The Creation and Fall of Man

We believe that:

  • God created mankind in His own image.

  • Satan exists as the one who is totally evil, who is the originator of sin and the arch-enemy of God and man.

  • Through Adam’s rebellion against the Will of God, sin has been imputed to all of mankind.

  • As a result of Adam’s fall, all of mankind has inherited a sinful nature, which is totally corrupt and depraved in every way.

  • The consequence of sin is of both a physical death and a spiritual death (eternal separation from God).


The Work Of Jesus Christ

We believe that:

  • Jesus Christ died on the Cross to bear the sin of the world.

  • His substitutionary and sacrificial death has completely satisfied the penalty of sin, thereby, providing redemption and forgiveness of sin for all who believe in Him.


We believe in:

  • The bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; He arose from the grave on the third day after His death.

  • That after a period of forty days, He ascended into Heaven where He is currently seated at the right hand of God, interceding as our Advocate and High Priest.

  • The personal, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ in all of His Glory, at God’s appointed time, which could occur at any moment.

Image by Mourad Saadi


The Salvation of Man

We believe that:

  • All who repent of their sin, believe in their heart, confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and receive Him by faith, are born again of the Holy Spirit, and become children of God.


The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

We believe in God the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity:

  • Who convicts people of their sin,

  • Who causes spiritual birth,

  • Who indwells, who seals and who abides in all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,

  • Who also (amongst other workings) intercedes, sanctifies, equips, enables, illuminates, guides, teaches and comforts each believer in their New Life in Christ.


The Destiny of Man

We believe in the bodily resurrection of everyone who has lived:

  • With the eternal blessedness of the Redeemed (those who have received God’s offer of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ).

  • With the eternal banishment of those who have rejected God’s offer of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Image by Mourad Saadi


The Body of Christ - The Church

We believe that all true believers (past, present and future) have been:

  • Redeemed by Jesus Christ,

  • Regenerated by the Holy Spirit,

  • United together in one Spiritual Body, the Church, of which, Jesus Christ is the Head.


The Local Church

We believe that

  • The local church is the visible body of all true believers.

  • The local church and each believer ought to submit to the direct Lordship of Christ, where each believer allows the Lord Jesus Christ to work in and through them in every aspect of life.

  • The essentials of church membership are a believer’s spiritual birth and the personal confession of the Lord Jesus Christ through baptism.

  • All true believers are called by God to:

    • A Growing Relationship in Christ

    • Faithful Membership,

    • God-centred Worship,

    • Genuine Fellowship,

    • Godly Stewardship

  • All local church rights and privileges are limited to the directives of each local church.

  • The first day of the week is the Lord’s Day and is set aside for regular observance by the assembling together of believers.

    • It commemorates the resurrection of Christ from the dead, and

    • It includes all expressions of worship and spiritual devotion under the Lordship of Christ.


The Ordinaces of the Church

We believe that:

  • The Lord Jesus Christ instituted two Ordinances; “Baptism” and “The Lord’s Supper”. 

  • These Ordinances are to be observed as an act of obedience and to serve as a perpetual witness to the cardinal facts of the Christian Faith, where:

    • Baptism is the immersion of the believer in water as a confession (public declaration) of identification with Christ’s burial and resurrection, and

    • The Lord’s Supper is the partaking of bread and the cup by believers, symbolizing the Lord Jesus Christ’s broken body and shed blood in remembrance of His sacrificial death, until His return.

Copyright Ó 2023 Tongaat Baptist Church

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